We have the following services taking place at Wimpole Road to mark and celebrate the season of Easter: Maundy Thursday Service, with the Thursday Circle, at 7 pm on Thursday 18 April. This will include a supper. On Good Friday…
Save the day! Saturday 15 June The New Town Community Day – plans are now full steam ahead, following our initial planning meeting last week, where we were delighted by the number of people who turned out to contribute. We…
Breaking News! Keep the date! Excellent new; the Council have confirmed that we can use the Recreation Ground on Saturday 15 June for the annual New Town Community Celebration Day. Planning for the event can now get underway. We invite…
This started with the magnificent pleasure of welcoming so many people to join us for the Christmas Community Craft Fayre, both stall holders and shoppers. I was lovely to also be able to share refreshments…
The congregation from Wimpole Road will be joining with that of Lexden Methodist or Wivenhoe Congregational Churches at 11:00 am On Sunday 30 December. Alternatively, there will also be worship at St Stephen’s Church starting at 10:15 All will be…
It is with much regret that we have to advise that the service at Wimpole Road has had to be changed to Lexden Methodist Church due to the ill health of Rev Ken Chalmers who was due to lead this…
Due to insufficient bookings we have had to cancel this event. We are really sorry December 22nd 2018 Give yourself a few hours for last minute shopping and organising, give your children 3 hours of fun and activities 09.30-12.30 £3per…
If you are free, St Stephens extend a welcome to join them singing Christmas Carols around New Town. Meet at St Stephens at 5:45 on Friday 21 December.
Traditional Family Carol Service with Boxted Methodist Silver Band Sunday 23 December at 6:30 Led by Rev Paul Howes Christmas Day Family Worship Tuesday 25 December at 10:30 am Led by Michael and Andrew Topple We really hope that…
A wonderful day at the Christmas Community Craft Fayre. It was so great to welcome so many visitors, both stall holders and “shopper”, and the atmosphere was lovely. We hope that everybody had a great day. Please keep watching our…